Walking by the Accentors – Slovakia
August 24, 2013
Visit from the southern hemisphere
September 20, 2014The way for the aurora borealis
Not just the photographic dreams need to be fulfilled. For the second year, we were sending pictures of polar shines from every corner of the world with our son, and they wanted to be in the place of the lucky ones who pressed the trigger. Well, this year we finally said it was time to stop dreaming and start acting! For economical time reasons, we have made our journey a little bit different. Student Agency bus to Munich (the driver forced me to put a photo bag in the trunk, even if it was a half bus). Then fly to Oslo and then transfer to Tromso.
Tromso lies about 350 km behind the Arctic Circle. There live about 60 thousand. resident. He has been living, working or studying for about 50 Czechs and Slovaks in the long term. Getting here a affordable bed is a small miracle, as all of us have said. Hostels do not exist here, hotels are very expensive, and families are just starting out here. Even ours has just finished!
Our great fortune was that at the Infocenter, we met Jana, Slovak, who advised us a lot of things. Another rich information well was the student Hanka, whom we contacted already from Bohemia. Just as there are weather forecasts, predictions of polar glow can be found on the Internet. Occasionally it does not go exactly like you are about the weather. If you are lucky, the polar glow can be taken directly on the Tromso waterfront. The supposedly best way not to miss the glow is to lie down in a sleeping bag on the hill and wait. But we did not verify this because of the half of February.
In Tromso and its immediate surroundings you can shoot almost everywhere. On the recommendation of the more experienced we have verified that it really pays to visit some elevated place. This place is the top of Fjellstua above the city, where you can climb on foot or ride a cable car. Here you can take beautiful pictures of the setting sun over the mountains of Kvaloya and Blomskogen. We found a beautiful bridge and a glowing sunset west of Tromso on Sommaroya Island. On the southeast coast of the Quijoy Island, overlooking the islet of Hákoya, where the losos is lying down, it was possible to enjoy the beautiful sunsets with calm fjords and old stone moths and wooden houses with shrubs roofed.
There are many and many options. Many are also what we did not get. Although Norway is a really expensive destination for our visitors (the prices for virtually everything except fish are about three times higher than ours), it is not possible to return here. I’m looking forward to another visit.